Values and principles make for a safe, secure and well ordered life and society; especially when rooted in universal principles of honesty, integrity and respect for others. Any business, society, nation, community or group of people that does not subscribe to a tangible set of values rooted in any of these values is likely to be disorderly, chaotic, harmful and unsustainable. Organizations run without values, standards or principles will never be global or truly international. They are not likely to become market leaders or survive beyond the lifetime of their founders. In the same way, a nation or community that sets aside the principles of honesty, integrity and respect for others and actively pursues the opposite – for whatever reason, is likely to stagnate or regress dramatically.
At Sola Abulu & Associates, we believe that business and society work better when people are treated as the END and not the MEANS. We believe that business, communities, politics and government should work collaboratively for the good of society. We believe in the
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which articulates 30 basic human rights – including rights to life, education, to organize, to vote, be treated fair, freedom of opinion, expression, thought and religion etc. We believe that recognition of the inherent dignity and of the EQUAL and INALIENABLE rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world and in the communities we inhabit.