What is the impact of strategic communications on an organization’s reputation?CommunicationWhat is the impact of strategic communications on an organization’s reputation?

What is the impact of strategic communications on an organization’s reputation?

How to communicate effectively in an organization

Strategic communications is at the heart of any public relations effort and public relations is a practice that is very concerned with relationships and reputations. Strategic communication goes beyond writing messages but extends to how the message is conveyed and the narrative the stakeholders of the organization have towards the organization. Strategic communications will contribute to building trust, and improving the overall image of an organization. This article seeks to answer the question of what impact strategic communications has on the reputation of an organization.

Strategic communication is defined as the purposeful use of communication by a business or organization to achieve its objectives in measurable terms.

~Sola Abulu

We can describe a communication effort as strategic when it is purposeful, has an objective and is measurable. Read this article on common communication mistakes businesses make and how to avoid them.

Why does communication need to be strategic

It is important for communications to be strategic as it helps organizations align effort with the goal or objective of every campaign. When the messaging is clear, consistent and achieves a set goal, such communication can be described as strategic. With strategic communications, an organization can easily anticipate risks, potential issues, manage an escalating crisis with the goal of positively strengthening a brand’s reputation.

When a communications professional communicates, either through speaking or writing, without listening, such a person has successfully self-talked. Therefore, strategic communications will demand that you pay attention to the responses and behaviour of your target audience after communicating. Sola Abulu, our principal consultant points out the dangers of self-talk in organizational communications here.

Strategic communications for brands

The role of strategic communication in reputation management

The reputation of an organization is a very valuable asset and currency to any organization that is concerned about its growth. Reputation has a lot to do with how stakeholders perceive a brand (an individual, corporate organization or business) based on what others are saying about the brand, its actions, messaging and relationships. Strategic communications is very important in how this reputation is enhanced.

  • Strategic communications build trust by ensuring that the organization’s message is clear, transparent/honest and consistent across all communications. It also builds a positive brand image by highlighting the brand’s value and contribution to society.
  • Strategic communications is also very helpful in crisis management. A detailed crisis communication plan and messaging can restore stakeholder trust in the occurrence of a crisis and can mitigate reputational damage.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Engaging with stakeholders through strategic communications helps create a community and loyalty with the public because it will ensure feedbacks are addressed promptly.

Impact of strategic communications

Strategic communication is effective because it achieves a set goal. It is important to note that it is not only corporate organizations that have their reputation impacted by ineffective communications, the society, businesses, high-profile personalities and brands should also consider their reputation in communicating.

  • The society: A healthy reputation will build trust in the governance and save lives
  • Corporate organizations: There will be a timely and seamless flow of information and understanding both amongst internal and external stakeholders
  • Businesses: A business’s productivity and morale will be affected based on the kind of reputation they have.
  • Brand: Ineffective or effective communication will affect the loyalty and customer experience of a brand. Therefore, brands must aim to be strategic in their communications. Sola Abulu defines what a brand is here, this definition will help you in differentiating the terms brand, organization or business.
  • High-profile personalities: People of power and influence, need to be strategic in communicating as they can easily damage their reputation by the lack of it. Strategic communication will better convey meaning and intent, help them in building positive and lasting relationships, advocate and win support of their relevant stakeholders and the public at large. A high-profile individual can be an industry leader or a politician who is vying for an office.

Watch this free webinar on Introduction to Strategic Communications.

Sola Abulu & Associates (SA&A) has announced that the 1st cohort of its internationally accredited Public Relations, Media & Stakeholder Management Course is scheduled to hold online via ZOOM from 9AM – 4Pm on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

As with all our courses, we run discounts as follows:
-30% in the first week from May 1 – May 8
– 15% from May 9 – 16, 2024
Full course price applies from May 17 till end of registration on May 28, 2024.


Sola Abulu & Associates is a strategy and communications consulting and training firm committed to enabling businesses, brands and organizations to achieve their objectives through strategic communications, organizational effectiveness and reputation risk management.

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