SA&A Announces 1st Cohort of CPDSO-UK certified Strategic Communications Course scheduled for November 30, 2023BusinessSA&A Announces 1st Cohort of CPDSO-UK certified Strategic Communications Course scheduled for November 30, 2023

SA&A Announces 1st Cohort of CPDSO-UK certified Strategic Communications Course scheduled for November 30, 2023


October 23, 2023: Sola Abulu Associates (SA&A) has announced that the inaugural cohort of its CPDSO, UK-accredited Strategic Communications Course will hold on Thursday, November 30, 2023. This course is designed for professionals and leaders withn responsibility for managing internal/external communication or stakeholder engagement for an organization, brand, institution, or community. The aim of the program is provide practical guides, techniques, principles, and real-world examples of how to use communication as a strategic management tool for achieving desired business objectives and outcomes.

The inaugural cohort will be run as a full day online course hosted by Principal Consultant, Sola Abulu – a communications strategist and leading expert in her field with 30+ years experience in Corporate Communications and Reputation Management. (A CPDSO UK-accredited certificate will be issued to all participants on successful completion of the course.)

Participants on the course will be exposed to the following:

 Understanding and application of universal tools and principles of communication
 Practical tips on how to develop and implement a communications strategy and plan.
 Opportunity to learn from real-life case studies applicable to own context.


WATCH Course Teaser Video

Course Objectives:

The course will also enable participants to be able to:
 Troubleshoot and help resolve business and organizational problems through communication.
 Manage complex stakeholder relationship effectively.
 Ethically influence audiences and stakeholders in fulfilment of mission.
 Build and implement a shared vision for your business or organization agenda.
 Become more effective in business or organizational leadership.
 Understand how to differentiate your brand or business
 Understand the intrinsic value of your brand and reputation and know how to protect it.


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Other courses in the training program portfolio of SA&A are as follows:


Course Aim: This course provides practical knowledge, tips, and techniques on how to leverage on the media and effectively manage relationships with key stakeholders, and the public in pursuit of business or institutional objectives.

Who should attend?
Anyone holding or supporting a public-facing role in business, politics, or society, with the need to proactively engage or influence identified segments of a community or population.

What to expect?
 Practical frameworks
 Case studies/analysis from real-life examples
 Practical tips on dos and don’ts
 Analysis of traditional and new media channels
 Introduction to stakeholder management theory and practise


WATCH: Course Teaser Video

Course Objectives:
Participation on this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

 Understand the principles of public relations, media, and stakeholder management in a business context.
 Know how to use media and public relations to advance business objectives.
 Know how to analyse media coverage, understand the landscape, manage media issues and position your business effectively.
 Understand how to set business-relevant media and public relations targets and achieve them.
 Learn how to ethically persuade and influence audience and stakeholder perceptions and actions through strategic public relations and stakeholder management.


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This course aims to enable public sector leaders, professionals, and influencers to understand how to communicate effectively in a world where access to diverse content and voices is unprecedented; and distrust of institutions and political actors is significantly high.

Who should attend?
Anyone with responsibility for leadership, organization, communication or relationship management in politics, the public sector, policy institutions and agencies etc (This includes sector and institutional leaders, public office holders, communication practitioners, spokespersons, and consultants)

What to expect?
 Exposure to the concept of citizen-centric communication
 A comparative analysis of traditional and modern-day public-sector communications
 Analysis of real-life case studies within the domestic space
 Opportunity to develop a fit-for-purpose public sector communication philosophy and ideals.
 Exposure to practical frameworks for effective public sector, policy, and political communication



Course Objectives:
Participation in this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

 Apply the principles of effective public sector, policy, and political communication in a modern digital and social media active population.

 Understand how the media and social media landscape is changing and why the public sector needs to communicate and engage differently.
 Drive policy compliance through effective and audience-centric communications.
 Communicate effectively with a diverse and complex audience.
 Transparently drive policy, political or public sector outcomes through effective and ethical communications.
 Proactively and effectively manage social media and communication exposure.

Duration: Full Day Course from 9am – 4pm West Africa Time
Format: Online or in person.
Certificate: Sola Abulu Associates Certificate issued on successful completion of the course.


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This course provides practical knowledge and skills to be able to effectively manage complex issues and crisis for the benefit of the business, organization, institution, brand, or community of interest.

Who should attend?

Anyone with a leadership, management or media/public-facing role in business, society, public sector institutions, NGOs, or politics


What to expect?

 Real life-case studies on issues and crisis management
 Knowledge sharing on Dos & Don’ts
 Lessons on best-practise issues and crisis management theory and frameworks
 Exposure to practical tools and templates
 A deep dive on stakeholder management


WATCH: Course Teaser Video

Course Objectives:
Participation in this course will provide you with the knowledge to:

 Manage complex issues and crises effectively.
 Know how to manage reputation and mitigate stakeholder crisis in business and/or public sector.
 Understand the difference between issues and crisis management and how to identify warning signals.

 Understand how to create a functional issues and crisis management process/framework for your organization.
 Understand the dynamics of crisis management.
 Know how to avoid the most common mistakes in issues and crisis management.
 Know how to build crisis resilience within your business or organization.


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Course Aim:
This course provides practical knowledge and skills to effectively build, grow a brand as an asset that enables the organization or entity to reap the full benefits of the brand equity.

Who should attend?
Anyone with interest or responsibility for building a corporate, personal, or institutional brand or leveraging on brand equity to achieve a business or strategic objective.

What to expect?
 Knowledge sharing on brand principles.
 Analysis of Brand Marketing, communications, and positioning
 Practical guidance for new and established brands
 Sector-relevant guidance
 Exposure to practical brand management tools and templates
 A deep dive into brand strategy and positioning
 Personal vs corporate and institutional comparisons


WATCH: Course Teaser Video

Course Objectives:
Participation in this course will provide you with the knowledge to: Build and nurture your brand effectively.
 Leverage fully on your brand attributes.
 Use your brand as a competitive advantage and positive differentiator.
 Understand the importance of brand management.

 Know how to develop and implement an effective brand strategy with measurable business improvement results.
 Increase brand value and enhance its income generating power.
 Set agenda-relevant performance targets for your brand.

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