Sola Abulu & Associates receives Supplier of the Year Award from Aradel HoldingsBusinessSola Abulu & Associates receives Supplier of the Year Award from Aradel Holdings

Sola Abulu & Associates receives Supplier of the Year Award from Aradel Holdings

Lagos, Nigeria [27th March 2024] – Sola Abulu Associates (SA&A) was presented with the Supplier of the Year Award from Aradel Holdings Plc, at the company’s inaugural Supplier Forum which held on March 27, 2024, at the Civic Centre Lagos, Nigeria. The theme of the event was “Building Sustainable Partnerships” and its purpose was to recognize outstanding partners and celebrate their demonstrated excellence, innovation, and commitment to the company.


The Supplier of the Year Award was presented to two companies  (i.e. Sola Abulu and Associates and Harmony Steel Construction Co. Ltd) for consistently exceeding expectations, outstanding performance and professionalism to service delivery.  The award presented to SA&A in particular, is in recognition of the collaborative and outstanding work on the Brand Revamp & Reframing Strategy for the company’s Rebranding to Aradel Holdings in August 2023.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Lare Daramola – General Manager, Commercial, in his keynote address said, “The theme reflects the significance of this event to us. As we build with our partners, it shows that there is a focused energy around achieving an outcome. We are not just building for the present but also for the long term and partnership is important to us attaining this goal. We all come with different set of skills but can harness that collective energy to achieve great outcomes for our shareholders, the business, and Nigeria as a whole.”


Sola Abulu received the award on behalf of SA&A and had this to say:


“This award means a lot to us. To receive this kind of recognition from a major player in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry, within 4 years of our existence is a major milestone for us. And we give God the glory for bringing us this far. We would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the management and staff of Aradel Holdings for their support and the strong leadership commitment to transparency, integrity and excellence. And also for providing the opportunity for independent consulting firms like us to show what we can do.  This recognition inspires us to continue to strive for excellence and ensure that we consistently exceed the expectation of our clients and support the achievement of their desired outcomes in an excellent, ethical and sustainable way.”


Sola Abulu & Associates (SA&A) is a strategy and communications consulting and training firm based in Lagos, Nigeria. Established by Sola Abulu, a business leader and communications expert, SA&A works with businesses, brands, institutions and public sector office-holders and agencies on strategic communications, organizational effectiveness and reputation risk management opportunities and transformation initiatives.


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