2nd Cohort of SA&A Issues, Crisis & Reputation Management Course holds on October 31, 2024Communication2nd Cohort of SA&A Issues, Crisis & Reputation Management Course holds on October 31, 2024

2nd Cohort of SA&A Issues, Crisis & Reputation Management Course holds on October 31, 2024

October 31, 2024: The SA&A CPDSO-Accredited Issues, Crisis and Reputation Management Course was successfully concluded on October 31, 2024 with attendance from a diverse group of business owners, communications professionals/leaders and HR practitioners.

According to Sola Abulu, Course Facilitor and Principal Consultant of SA&A,

“In all of our SA&A courses, we provide insights from case studies we personally research based on recent occurences that have played out in the media and this cohort was no exception. In the session, we deep-dived into analysing the crisis communications approach of many of the high-profile crisis that have played out for the major part of this year.”

An important aspect of the program is helping participants to be able to differentiate between an issue and a crisis and understand whyand how each is managed differently. Our case studies covered examples from education, banking, NGO, energy and personal reputation matters.

The central message being that there are universal concepts and principles for managing communications and relationships in a crisis and it is important to be trained to know the right questions to ask, the structure that needs to be in place and how best to manage and respond to stakeholder complexity, sentiments, emerging narratives etc with positive outcomes. The case study analysis also showed that organizations that were crisis-ready tended to fare better in crisis response than those who were not.

Feedback from the participants was that the session was informative and engaging. The crisis simulation exercise was a highlight of the course as it enabled the team to review situations as though in a real life crisis context.

Comments from some participants:

Every SA session helps me expand my perspective and reach in the communications profession. I find it very useful that she is also available to provide coaching after the sessions.

I always appreciate every opportunity to be in any of SA’s trainings. The wisdom from her years of experience is very valuable. I have a lot to put into practise from today and will definitely sign up for the next training.

Sola Abulu & Associates (SA&A) is a strategy and communications training and consulting firm focused on enabling businesses, brands and organizations to achieve their desired objectives through strategic communications, organizational effectiveness and reputation management.

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