Enrolment open for 4th Cohort of SA&A Strategic Communications Course on September 26, 2024BusinessEnrolment open for 4th Cohort of SA&A Strategic Communications Course on September 26, 2024

Enrolment open for 4th Cohort of SA&A Strategic Communications Course on September 26, 2024

August 30, 2024 – Sola Abulu & Associates (SA&A) has announced that enrolment is now open for the 4th cohort of its flagship course, the CPDSO-Accredited Strategic Communications Course scheduled to hold online from 9AM – 4PM WAT.

According to Sola Abulu, Principal Consultant of SA&A and Facilitator of the program,

This course is the theoretical foundation and practical guide for Corporate, Business, Organizational and Institutional Communications. It is about learning how to solve business and organizational problems and achieve desired outcomes through the purposeful use of communication.

The basics that will be taught in this course forms the backbone of what every communications professional should know.

🎯 How to develop a communications strategy and plan from scratch with measurable results
🎯 How to develop an internal communications strategy and plan
🎯 How to manage stakeholders (internal and external) and reputation.

There are 6 modules in the course and we take participants through the strategic communications AND stakeholder engagement frameworks and show how BOTH work together to manage relationships, create space and support for the business, promote corporate brand, align the organization around a common goal and enable the organization/business to achieve its objectives.

The course is designed for anyone with a leadership mandate or responsibility for managing internal or external communication for a corporate, business, entrepreneurial or institutional entity.

Specific modules covered in the course are as follows:

  1. Creating an impactful Communications Strategy & Plan – Using the Strategic Communications Framework
  2. Managing Internal & External Communication Effectively – Spectrum & Dimensions of Strategic Communication
  3. Managing Reputation through Strategic Communication
  4. Practical Application: Developing Messaging that is Impactful and delivers tangible results
  5. Enabling Leadership Communications
  6. Learning how to quantify Communications Impact (KPIs, metrics, impact and outcomes)

Apart from the in-class learning, participants have the opportunity to learn from other colleagues across various industries and there is opportunity for Group coaching after the course on request.

Promotional discounts for the 4th cohort are ongoing from now till Sep 16. Enrolment ends by midnight on Sept 24, 2024. (30% discount ends on Sep 8, 2024).

If you would like to join this 4th cohort please register here:

Click Here for more details of our suite of courses

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